Saturday, November 17, 2007

Calling all family! Would you participate in a photo diary study?

I need to explore the mechanisms involved in conducting a photo diary study, and I thought it would be great to leverage MY FAMILY.

What you'll need:
  • A digital camera

  • An internet connection

  • An email address (although I can set one up for you)
I'll ask you to take pictures with your camera and have you upload them, along with a description of what it was and why you chose it. (I'll give you all of the instructions). At the end of two weeks, I'll send you a gift for your time.
It should be really fun!!!! (by the way, this is miss Molly, taking a bath!)

If you are interested, please email me ( or "comment" on this blog!

Friday, November 2, 2007

A couple of weeks ago, we made wine...

Here Chris is cranking on the press... Adam is holding the press down (it moves). Someone else is catching the juice. Someone else pours it into the barrel.