Monday, August 6, 2007

Adams Castleman Family Everything Blog


From David Adams

Family takes more than blood or marriage, it takes relationships and connectedness. To strengthen the Adams Castleman family bond I wanted to setup a family blog where everyone could write, post pictures and keep up with everyone else in the family.

Get everyone permission to blog on this account.
Get everyone with picture phones setup with accounts so we can have tons of pictures.
Increase connectedness of extended family
Increase web-saavyness of family
Have fun

I will do very light as-needed administration
Keep it family friendly

And again, have fun


MollysMom said...

Great idea... let's start with a roll call!

Ann M said...

Great. I love the picture of Adam & Conner paying a duet.
Ann M

pjstegen said...

I'm in. Does this mean we're having a virtual family reunion!?!

Love you all,

PJ and David

RachelLucero(akaAJ'smilksource) said...

Sounds great - I hate not living closer to everyone so this will be wonderful! I will add some pics of AJ's birth and my 21st birthday when we get back from Michigan! Love you all so very very much!